We have created a lot of keyboard shortcuts when you are running your presentation in Presente3D.

Below you will find a list of them:

Enable and Disable Zooming and Rotation:

Key: Space Bar

Functionality: Enables and Disables Zooming and Rotation. This allows a user to easily Zoom and Rotate a presentation to create the best effect for their presentation. When enabled you can Right Click and Drag to Zoom and Left Click and Drag to Rotate the Slide.

Reset to Default Camera Position

Key: F

Functionality: Resets the camera position and Focal Plane distance to the default for Presente3D

Toggle Cursor On/Off

Key: C

Functionality: Toggles the cursor display on and off

Exit Presente3D

Key: ESC

Functionality: Exits Full Screen Mode and Closes the Presente3D window.

Increase or Decrease Eye Seperation

Key: + / -

Functionality: Increases or Decreases the Stereo Eye Separation for the presentation. This is useful when you need to set up a presentation for different screen sizes. + Key will increase eye separation. - key will decrease eye separation.

Navigate Presentation

Key: Right or Left Arrow

Functionality: The Right arrow or Left arrow  will advance to the next or previous slide in your presentation. Only works if you have launched Slide Show from the View 3D Menu.

Adjust Pop-Out and In effect

Key: UP Arrow and DOWN Arrow

Functionality: The Up Arrow and Down Arrow key adjust the pop out distance for the presentation. By default Presente3D has optimized the presentation for 0 on z-depth being at the screen and positive values for coming out of the screen and negative going into the screen. 

By Pressing the Up Arrow key it will push the presentation  into the screen and make it like you are looking into a window.

By Pressing the Down Arrow key it will push the presentation out of the  screen that will make your presentation look like it is popping out of the scene at you.

Note: Many people like to optimize their presentations for Pop out effect by maximizing out the Down Arrow values.

Swap Eyes for your Presentation

Key: numpad 5 and ]

Functionality: Swaps Eyes if needed.

Swap Eyes for your Presentation

Key: S

Functionality: The "S" key on the keyboard will save a snapshot of your image to your hard drive in your My Documents>Presente3D>Screenshots folder.

Note: This is great for creating 3D images for use in 3D Videos.

Windows 7 or Windows Vista User's:

Your file will be saved in Documents>Presente3D>Screenshots

Windows XP Users:

Your file will be saved in My Documents>Presente3D>Screenshots

Display Mode Shortcuts:

Monoscopic Mode: Key: 1

Functionality: Changes the render mode to Monoscopic(Single View)

Side By Side Stereo: Key: 2

Functionality: Changes the render mode to Side by Side (Half)

Above / Below Stereo: Key: 3

Functionality: Changes the render mode to Above / Below